


1974年由李勳墉學長於伯明罕(Birmingham) 成立台大校友會,舉辦聚餐活動凝聚校友情誼。李 學長負責台灣人旅英事宜相關接洽 ,例如台大校長 閻振興來訪。 李學長為我們家旅行社負責人 ,因此我們家旅行社也是當時台大校友會在英國主要的聯絡窗口 。

In 1974, S. Y. Lee established National Taiwan University (NTU) Alumni UK Association in Birmingham during his doctoral study. Various social events were held then for NTU alumni. Henceforth, S. Y. Lee was responsible for the reception affairs of Taiwanese guests, e.g. the visit of our former principal, Dr. Yen Chen-hsing. As Dr. S. Y. Lee is the owner of “Ours Travel,”for a period of time, “Ours Travel”was the main contacts of NTU Alumni UK Association.


1976 年由葉乃琳學長接任會長,1980年代左右,台大校友會成員約有20.30人,校友會組成成員 以倫敦地區華僑以及旅英工作的台灣人為主,下一任會長通常在會員聚餐時選出 (此時期的會長 由政府外派至英國相關單位的人員擔任,如詹富雄、曹文娟、施光維等人負責此時期活動)。

In 1976, N. L. Yeh took over NTU Alumni UK Association.In the 80s, there were 20 to 30 regular members, composed of Taiwaneses workers and other oversea Taiwaneses in London. The next president was selected during the gatherings in the summer. The presidents were mainly the expatriates in government sectors, e.g. F.H. Chan, W. C. Tsao, K. W. Shi, etc.

2006 黃珠芬學姐 (Grace) 接任台大校友會,此時台灣旅英學生人數漸漸增加,此段時間聚會規 模擴大並將校友會活動重心交由博士生處理。並開始聯絡倫敦以外的其他台大校友分會,如牛津、劍橋分會,以期團結更多校友力量。

In 2006, Grace Huang took over NTU Alumni UK Association. As the number of students studying in the UK increased, the Alumni Association meetings had more and more participants, and more responsibilities of organising events were transferred to PhD researchers. Other NTU Alumni branches outside London, e.g. NTU Alumni Associations in Oxford and Cambridge branches were reached to bring cohesion.


2009 洪維鍊學長(William) 完成博士學位此時期開始有定期的迎新及農曆新年兩次聚餐,正式擴大幹部編制設副會長2至3人,秘書長1人籌辦活動並設副秘書長若干協助。2010 蕭勝文學長 (Steven) 接任會長,帶動社團積極參與僑界事務,並與代表處、僑界以及更多華人互動,設總會執行副會長1人秘書長1人及副秘書長若干協助。劍橋、牛津則以分會形式設立分會長並兼任總會副會長。何智元學長(Kevin) 擔任會長時期,延續之前活動形式辦理,下午茶迎新人數眾多台大校友會人數到達高峰,另外也舉辦劍橋划船聯誼活動。2012.04沈勤康學長 (Clive) 擔任會長,開啟豐富多元的校友會活動形式,除了在倫敦帝國學院舉辦迎新自助餐會,農曆新年抽紅包才藝表演圍爐,端午節戶外烤肉及野餐,也率團出訪約克以期聯絡中北英格蘭地區校友。此時和母校台大校友總會建立正式聯繫並參與校友總會慶祝校慶活動。有鑒於校友會規模日漸增加,校友會幹部討論往後方便社團註冊及帳號事宜,此時開始初版校友會章程與會長選舉辦法的起草。

The Alumni Association started having full commitee since 2009, when William Hong was elected as the succeeding president. Two to three vice-presidents were created in addition to chief secretary who was in charge of organising events plus several vice-chief secretaries to assist. Since then Alumni events have been held on a regular basis as twice per year. The Alumni Association was led by Steven Shaw in 2010, who actively promoted the Alumni to participate in the UK-based Taiwanese events. He further reorganised the committee with one executive vice-president among vice-presidents, one chief secretary and several vice-chief secretaries. While two Alumni branches were established in Oxford and Cambridge and the branch's presidents are also vice-presidents of the UK Alumni Association. During that period, the number of active members had reached its historical peak.Followed Steven Shaw, Clive Shen became the Alumni president after April 2012 and started to have vitality of different types of activities other than banquets in the restaurants. Also at this time the UK Alumni Association has the formal tie with the NTU Alumni Association based in home country. Due to the expansion of the Alumni Association, to ease the future registration process the commitee has started the discussions of the first version of Association charter.


近年來由於校友會人數眾多,2013.11 陳伯禹接任會長後,建立校友會網站、發行 校友證並與洽談合作廠商會員證優惠等等,增加校友會活動的多元性及密集度。新的會長選舉辦法於2013年底迎新通過,由於會章當時尚未正式施行,該次會長依 循先前方式於迎新會中投票選出。2014.08 傅萱為制度確立後出任的第一任校友會會長,由於施行困難於任 內著手改進選舉辦法,以及每個月定期舉辦或與其他單位合辦校友會活動。

As the size of the Association grows in recent years, after Po-Yu Chen succeeded the presidency in November 2013, the official website was built, physical membership cards were issued for the first time, and also the Association successfully negotiated membership benefits with several restaurants. The new president election rule was drafted by the committee and enacted in the 2013 freshers’ welcome meeting. As the Charter of the Association was not approved by then, the new president of the year (Po-Yu Chen) was elected by voting in the meeting following the old protocol. In August 2014, Hsuan Fu was the first elected president following the new election rule. However due to the executive difficulties she further refined the election rule during her tenure and the Association started to hold monthly events and provided other activities in cooperation with other groups.